EU Kommission
The European Commission is the executive institution of the European Union. The topic of non-discrimination is part of the EU fundament (see Fundamental Rights Charter art. 21). The European Commission is supporting this year’s EuroPride Parade in Vienna with a float, which will be carrying 60 invited guests from the European parliament, government representatives, EU-agencies and embassy nationals.
United in Diversity - Vereint in Vielfalt
Not specified
This group is looking for people who want to support and/or participate. Please contact the group for further details.
EU Kommission
Die EU-Kommission ist das Exekutivorgan der Europäischen Union. Nichtdiskriminierung ist Teil des Fundaments der EU (siehe Grundrechtecharta Art 21). Dieses Jahr unterstützt die EU-Kommission die EuroPride Parade in Wien mit einem Paradetruck mit 60 Gästen aus dem EU-Parlament, RegierungsvertreterInnen, EU-Agenturen und Botschaftsangehörigen.
United in Diversity - In Vielfalt vereint
Not specified
This group is looking for people who want to support and/or participate. Please contact the group for further details.