EuroPride Park
For EuroPride 2019 Vienna will have a second location in addition to the EuroPride Village for the first time: the EuroPride Park. On the EuroPride weekend we invite you to the Sigmund-Freud-Park to celebrate and relax.

In addition to EuroPride Village on Rathausplatz, there will also be the EuroPride Park in Sigmund-Freud-Park in front of the Votivkirche. A stage, restaurants, NGOs and a varied programme await you here as well!
Admission to all events at EuroPride Park is free!
Opening Hours
Friday, 14.6.19 | 16:00 – 23:00 |
Saturday, 15.6.19 | 12:00 – 23:00 |
EuroPride Village Plan
Food and Drinks
1 Michl‘s heiße Hütte
2 Cafe Monic & Öl
3 UsUs, Das Werk
4 I eat Vienna
5 Tasty Langos
6 MERKUR Vegetarisch/Vegan
NGOs and Info
A Checkit! (Suchthilfe Wien)
B Samstag-Shop
C Wienwoche Festival, Afro Rainbow Austria, Fremde werden Freunde
D Queer as Deaf, dis_ability mad pride
E Que[e]rbau Wien, fairplay
F visiBi*lity Austria, Gender*Galaxie
G Virtual Closet Project, Prague Pride
H Enough is enough, Zara, Klagsverband
Friday, 14 June
Moderation: Mag.a Ewa Dziedzic
Visuals: Neon Golden: Paola Demicheli, Giorgia Scaramuzza, Louis Ohlow & GenderCrash: Ela Sattler & Offerus Ablinger
16:00 Welcome
16:15 Towander Flagg-Lesung: Der Galgen fragt nicht, welcher Hals: Ein Revulva-Western (DE)
16:45 ACAB Activist Comedy Against Bullshit
18:00 Highdentity live
18:45 Joanisch (Puppenhouse)
19:15 SYN3A & Mandy Mozart live (Vienna Struggle/Shalom Salon)
20:30 DJ Angel (Hyperreality)
21:15 Therese Terror (Bliss, Hyperreality)
22:00 Joyce Muniz (Exploited, Gigolo Rec.)
Saturday, 15 June
Moderation: Tim Dworschak, Claudia Sandler, Mel Merio
Visuals: sound:frame/Luma.Launisch & Friends
12:00 Welcome
12:15 Barbi Marcović-Lesung: Ausgehen/ein Remix (DE)
12:30 Underground Wrestling by WUW
13:00 Wienwoche 2019 pres. „bitches & witches“
13:30 Infinite Palace (ex Crazy Bitch in a Cave) live
14:15 Tonica Hunter live
15:00 FEMME DMC pres. Dacid Go8lin, Soulcat E8 & DJ Yomomma
16:15 Spinelly (Duzz Down San)
17:00 Mayr Unrecords live
17:45 Pulsinger & Irl live (Big Beak)
18:30 Anna Leiser (Bebop Rodeo)
19:00 Live-Screening of Pride Celebration
19:30 GNUČČI live
21:00 Electric Indigo female:pressure/imbalance computer music
22:00 Gerald VDH (Meat Market, Meat Recordings)
Pocket Guide
- Programme Highlights
- EuroPride Village Programme and Map
- EuroPride Park Programme and Map
Due to the high number of visitors this year, the authorities have stipulated that EuroPride Village (Rathausplatz) and EuroPride Park (Sigmund-Freud-Park) must be fenced in. This is for the safety of all of us!
For this reason, the following items may not be taken onto the site
- Glass bottles of any size
- Alcohol
- Scooters
- Bicycles
- weapons of any kind
- Spray cans
Also prohibited:
- The carrying along of animals with the exception of guide dogs and assistance
dogs is prohibited. Those must wear a harness.
If necessary, you may have to expect checks on persons and/or bags. This also serves the general safety.
The complete house and site rules are available for download below.
House and Site Rules
By entering Sigmund-Freud-Park, the visitor submits to the house and site rules described in the PDF available for download below.